MAY 2021
Nursery- The children are loving our topic ‘Let it grow’. We have explored Mini beasts and plants. We have planted sunflower seeds and they are growing well. We made a wormery, and loved watching the worms wriggling around. As part of expressive arts, we danced the bumblebee dance, and moved like mini beasts. We have painted sunflowers, and learned lots of songs and rhymes about plants and mini beasts. We have listened to lots of Let it grow related stories, and enjoyed re-telling them to our friends. After Whitsun, we will be learning about how people and animals grow.
Reception – Reception have loved growing lots of different fruits and vegetables this term as part of our ‘Let it grow’ topic. We have investigated how plants grow and we are now hoping for some sunshine! We have enjoyed making faces using fruits and vegetables and have explored different ways to use paintbrushes to create different flower paintings. We have explored minibeasts and the children have been excited every day to look and explore in our ‘Bug Hotel’ to see what they can find! We celebrated our minibeast topic with an outdoor Bug Ball party. We created invitations, danced to the Flight of the Bumble Bee, made bug hats and we all had great fun!
Year R/1 – The children are really enjoying our topic ‘Let it grow’. We have been very busy planting lots of plants in our yard, which are growing well and look amazing. We have planted bean seeds and used magnifying glasses to explore the different parts of the plant and their function. We also investigated what plants need to grow. As part of expressive arts we have been exploring different ways we can use the paint brush and how to mix paints to make different colours. We have been enjoying our dance sessions working in unison with our partners.
Year 1/2 – The children have enjoyed our topic ‘Let it Grow’. When the weather has allowed us we planted our sunflower seeds and have tried to brighten up our yard by planting marigolds, fushias and some lavender plants. We have all enjoyed learning about trees and bees. The children confidently used the laptops for internet research to find out why trees are so important and learned a lot about World Bee Day. We have all embraced dance this term and have learned many techniques. To support our French Fridays we have been performing the Can Can every week… which we LOVE!
Year 2 – Year 2 have really enjoyed our topic, ‘Let It Grow’. They have planted sunflower seeds, primrose seeds and a range of plants including a strawberry plant. The children gave one another oral instructions as to how to plant a seed which we then converted into QR codes to support us with our instructional writing. As part of our expressive arts focus, we designed and created superb minibeast clay sculptures. We then researched facts about our minibeasts and presented the information to the class as part of our work on group presentations. Year 2 have also thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our dance sessions led by Miss Hunt where they’ve been learning about movement, pathways and levels. Year 2 have worked so hard this term, well done everyone!
Year 3 – The children have been enjoying exploring different dance routines from the 1950’s and 1960’s and have started to create their own group dance in a similar style. They have watched a variety of children’s television programmes from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and are now creating their own animations. They have looked at a range of different leaflets and have created their own all about ‘The Maes-y-Coed Way’. They have planted sunflower seeds and are eagerly watching them to see how tall they will grow. Finally, they have been carrying out investigations with small toy vehicles and testing them on different surfaces.
Year 3/4 - The children have been having lots of fun exploring the 1950s and 1960s dance. We are enjoying reading our class book, The Iron Man, and have been investigating how to light bulb for his eyes. We have written our own fantastic song to encourage everyone in ‘The Maes-Y-Coed Way’ and have been learning more about how to help keep ourselves healthy through staying active and eating a balanced diet. We really enjoyed Seren a Sbarc day and the children have created some lovely pieces of art in the style of welsh artist Susie Grindey.
Year 4 / 5 –The children enjoyed their educational visit to Pontypridd Common, learning why and how Pontypridd has changed over time. They have written and performed some wonderful motivational speeches (using green screen) as part of developing their oracy skills. The children have also modelled clay, representing the changes in Pontypridd, by creating a coat of arms.
Year 5 – We began our topic with an educational visit to Pontypridd Common to discover how Pontypridd has changed over time. This developed into a small class project on miners which has included making a miners bust with clay and using ICT software to create a short animation. Our topic Invaders and Settlers is being led after half term by the pupils towards animals that have invaded the UK over time. Many thanks to You Do IT dance company for our online street dancing sessions this term which pupils have thoroughly enjoyed.
Year 6 – Year 6’s topic started local with an expert from the Pontypridd Museum answering questions the children had generated, by comparing photos of Pontypridd through the ages. We have studied and discussed Invaders and Settlers, starting with the early settlers of Pontypridd to the Romans (creating motivational speeches for/against a Roman invasion), and the children have currently led the learning towards Pirates. Using Expressive Arts as our area of learning experience, the class have enjoyed unpicking Sea Shanties and composing their own using ICT music software. We have created 3D clay coats of arms to represent the past and present of our hometown.
Dinner Monies – Nursery/Reception - if you are paying cash for school meals please put the money in a named envelope before handing it to the class teacher. Thank you
Attendance – The whole school attendance from Feb 22nd to May 26th is 94.2%.