Positive Relationship and Behaviour Policy
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 makes provisions under section 88 that requires the governing body to have regard to guidance from the Welsh Government in making and reviewing the written statement of general principles on school discipline.
Estyn deemed the behaviour of nearly all children in our school to be very good. The aim of this policy is to build upon and extend the good practice of the school.
Maesycoed Primary School is a happy, safe environment that fosters good relationships that allows effective teaching and learning to take place. The school is supported by caring staff and clear guidelines that encourage positive attitudes towards each other.
To value and respect one another in a caring inclusive community irrespective of
“who they are, where they live, the language they speak or if they are a boy or a girl” Article 2 Rights Respecting School (RRS)
“To encourage every individual to be the best that they can be” Article 6 RRS.
“ Confidently share your opinions and listen to others views with respect” Article 12 RRS
To ensure all members of the school community are treated fairly and our aims and ethos are supported by those who visit and work in our school.
To support pupils to grow personally and academically to become confident and responsible members of the school community.
The Maesycoed Way
These are the standards that we hold ourselves to everyday at Maesycoed Primary School
Kind hands and feet
Kind words and deeds
Showing respect
In order to realise these standards pupils, parents, governors and staff worked jointly on the behaviour charter for the school below.
Rewards and Celebrations
Approving looks, gestures, nods and smiles
Private praise
Public praise—in class and whole school assemblies
Stars, stamps, stickers, notes, certificates, raffle tickets, etc.
Recording in achievement records
Informing parents
Process of dealing with behaviour
If any behaviour falls below standards expected in the Maesycoed Way then the pupil is:
Reminded of the expectations and provided with strategy to adhere.
If this is unsuccessful a child will receive a further reminder and be told that part of their breaktime will be lost and they may be re-seated within the classroom to avoid disrupting others, if another reminder is needed.
If this still continues then a child will be re-seated within the classroom and part of break time will be lost.
If the issues still occur after this then a final warning will result in the pupil receiving a lunchtime discussion with Head teacher on avoiding a repeat of the situation.
In extreme circumstances or if multiple lunchtime discussion with the head teacher occur, the head teacher will call the parents to discuss the issue.
A log of incidences will be recorded in order to be able to track patterns behaviours and provide bespoke interventions.
School Staff
All staff remind pupils of the expected behaviours from the Maesycoed Way/ charter at all times. Staff follow the agreed process for dealing with behavioural incidences.
The head teacher reports termly on incidences of bullying and follow the local authority guidance on reported racial incidences.
Pupil Groups
Pupil groups take an active role in the decision making of the school. They take a positive role in promoting positive relationships within the school, local and global communities.
Developing Positive Relationships in the Curriculum.
The work of the school is supported by the following teaching programmes:
SEAL –Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
ELSA- Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
Spectrum – Positive relationships workshops for staff and pupils
GOT- Getting on together programme looking at challenging extremism
SRE- Sex and relationships education
Online line learning conduct
When engaging in online live sessions pupils, parents and practitioners will follow the rules outlined in the online learning agreement see appendix 1
We always give pupils the opportunity to reflect on what has happened during and incident and they understand that actions have consequences. We guide them to explore alternatives in order to make appropriate changes to behaviour in future.
An exclusion from school will occur very rarely and will be used only where a very serious breach of discipline has taken place or where the school has exhausted all other efforts to address a child’s behaviour difficulty.
Where an exclusion is deemed necessary, the Head teacher will immediately inform the parent of the child. Within 24 hours, the Head teacher will have sent copies of the exclusion form to the parents of the child and to the LA outlining the length of the suspension/exclusion. The parents have the right to appeal against the suspension/exclusion.
When a child is readmitted to school, it is expected that the child’s parents will accompany them on that particular day where a meeting will take place to outline expectations and alternatives to negative behaviour can be reminded and encouraged.
Appendix 1
Learners and Parent agreement for online live streaming
For our approach to ‘Blended Learning’ we will be trialling live sessions for our pupils via Google Meet.
Pupils can access this through their Hwb accounts.
All live content will be recorded as a safeguarding precaution. These recordings are the school’s property
and they will not be shared with any other organisations unless there is a safeguarding concern.
This will be an opportunity for the pupils to engage with the class teacher and other pupils, as well as
have the opportunity to ask questions about the learning as would happen in the classroom.
These sessions are for the pupils only. Should parents need to communicate with the class teacher they
must do this through the usual protocols not during the live session.
It is important that all pupil understand their responsibilities during live lessons and parents agree to
support them in these. Pupils will be reminded of their responsibilities at the beginning of each session.
Learners agree to:
Be punctual for all live online sessions and avoid interrupting if late
Have any materials to hand for the session. Support will be provided for this prior to the session.
Make sure their device is charged before the session begins and are logged into the session
Show respect for everyone in the online classroom
To be appropriately dressed for all sessions, thinking about respect for others.
Other household members, likely walk past the camera must also be appropriately dressed.
Engage positively and not be disruptive at any time.
A pupil may be removed from the current or any future sessions if the behaviour falls below
Use the appropriate hands up tool on the digital platform if they wish to ask a question.
Any inappropriate or irrelevant comments will be removed from the chat feature
Ensure the location they log in from is appropriate (e.g. not in the bedroom/bathroom)
Not take or share images of class/session or to record the session
Have parents/carers within listening distance to any live session
Practitioners agree to:
- discuss roles and responsibilities with learners at the outset of all lessons/sessions
- notify the school or setting’s senior management team, learners and parents/carers of any
- scheduled sessions, cancelled sessions or changes in arrangements
- ensure that they keep themselves up-to-date with all relevant policies and procedures,
- including online safety, safeguarding and data protection policies
- prevent a one-to-one situation at the end of an online class by disconnecting all participants
- at the close of the lesson/session.
Signed _____________________________________________ Date _________________________